What people have said about my coaching:
"I highly recommend Gabriella as a life coach. Her approach and technique is encouraging and heartwarming. She is an excellent listener, possess a sincere interest to provide support and desirous to help reach my goals. She considers our conversation an interchange of learning and experiences, thought-provoking and innovative which leads to a more deepening awareness of myself and the people around me. Her communication style is respectful, caring, perceptive, fun, and inquiring. I am glad of the journey and discovery that I experienced with Gabriella".
JAF Toronto, ON
"Gabriella is compassionate, warm and connected as a coach. She helped me see things through new eyes and opened my mind to new possibilities. She is supportive and is able to see past my words, where to push me to reach my full potential. Thank you, Gabriella, for being with and inspiring me!"
Patti Washington
Supermom and Business Owner
Toronto, Ontario
"I totally enjoyed my coaching sessions with Gabriella. Gabriella has an excellent way of making you think through issues or concerns in a proactive and non threatening way.I left my sessions always felling refreshed and convinced that I was heading in the right direction.I would totally recommend Gabriella to anyone looking for an insightful,intelligent and very worldly individual. Gabriella will quickly make you feel at ease. Your concerns/issues are herconcerns and she is always willing to pursue exploration through them to helpyou see your way to a resolution".
RoseAnn Pacheco
Health Information Management Professional
Toronto, Ontario
"Gabriella listens with her whole being. When she is coaching me, I feel safe and secure. She is a woman who demonstrates living fully into her own life. Gabriella is a woman of substance. Her “joy de vivre” is magical and very contagious. She is an inspiration because she embodies depth and light at the same time. I highly recommend Gabriella as a Life Coach. Her life experience and nurturing heart make her an excellent channel for change".
Colette Ryder
Kincardin, Ontario
“I've really appreciated the conversations we've had with one another over the past few months. I feel that the open forum for dialogue has helped me to better reflect on who I am now and who/what I'm working to become”.
Stephen Koshurba
Toronto, Ontario
"Gabriella came to me at the crest of the wave of personal change and helped me to ride it out. Thank you for coaching me through a very difficult, life changing and decision making part of my life. Your coaching has helped me to delve into a deeper part of myself I never knew existed. This connection helped me through the difficult moments in the decisions I had to make in the last 6 months. Your insight, compassion and support was truly appreciated. I know you said I do the work. But you were there holding my hand helping me to ride the wave of emotions. For which I am eternally grateful. You helped me to look through the eyes of truth, honour and integrity. Thank you so much for your great support and I wish you well in all your endeavours and hope you help others in the same way you have assisted me."
Administrative Assistant
Toronto, Ontario